วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Karomama - Egypt.



             The casting of large-scale bronze figures achieved its highest point in the late New Kingdom down to the 25th dynasty. The outstanding example from this period is the figure of Karomama. The exceptionally elegant modeling of the female form is greatly enriched by inlays of gold and silver reproducing the feathered pattern of the gown and an elaborate collar of floral motifs.

              The statue of Karomama  is one of the masterpieces of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities .She was a Divine Adoratrice, a virgin and earthly spouse of the god Amun, who was worshiped at Karnak. She held the status of a queen, and is portrayed in a robe encircled by vulture wings.

              Firstly,proportion the statue of Karomama is depicted in a walking pose.The slender proportions of the figure embody a charming femininity. The face, however, has a severe expression, with inlaid eyes, aquiline noise, and small, delicately shaped mouth. These priestesses  amassed great power,held porporty and maintained their own courtshaking sistrums. Karomama shakes two sistra beore a seated statue of Amen-Re who is depicted with a Ram’s head and two double plumes. Karomama wears a long pleated dress. She wears a short Nubian style wig with a uraeus on her brow. Her modius is by a fairly large vulture whose outstretched wings seem to protect a crowned cobra.A tall crown once fitted into the round headdress adorned with a uraeus. A uraeus must have decorated the front of the wig, but was broken off. Her hands are held out in front of her and it looks as though they would have grasped something. She wears an elaborate dress which is made to resemble wings encircling her body. This statue was dedicated by her treasurer Ahentefnakhte.Champollion was responsible for purchasing this exceptional bronze object with multiple inlays.

               For the pattern of Karomama the main body of this statue was cast in bronze and subsequently covered with a thin sheathing of bronze,which was then exquisitely engraved with patterns inlaid with gold,silver,and electrum.She is clad in a close-fitting, pleated dress with wide sleeves. It reaches to mid-calf and is encircled by the feathered wings of a vulture, which wrap around her thighs. A short wig frame her face. The coiled uraeus emerges from the modius, a small cap that originally held a crown. A lavish, jeweled collar extends from the top of her shoulders to her bust.Much of the  inlay has disappeared,but we can still make out the elaborately incised drawing of the bird wings that surround Karomama and accentuate the fullness of her figure,conceived to embody a new female ideal.Her slender limbs,ample hips,and more prominent breasts contrast with the uniformly slender female figures of the late New Kingdom.

                Lastly,emphasis in the past of statue of Karomama have drawing of the bird wings thay surround Karomama and  accentuate the fullness of her figure. This statue of Karomama is famous for the sophisticated production technique used. The statue was created with the lost-wax bronze casting process and features complicated metal inlays. These created colorful effects, although some are now missing. Gold leaf was also used to highlight different sections of the body, such as the wig with finely incised curls. A magnificent eight-tiered collar remains; it includes alternating rows of geometric and plant designs: rosettes, lotus petals, checkerboards, and spirals. The alloys used for the different inlays created nuances and various surface patina, which are no longer visible, given the condition of the work.

